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The Best Time to Decorate a Christmas Tree

When following Christmas traditions, you don't necessarily have to put the tree up until about twelve days ahead of Christmas, and if it's a real tree, better close to Christmas to keep pine needle dropping to a minimum. The crucial thing is that you take your tree down by twelfth night, which is the Epiphany, January 6th.

When following Christmas traditions, you don't necessarily have to put the tree up until about twelve days ahead of Christmas, and if it's a real tree, better close to Christmas to keep pine needle dropping to a minimum. The crucial thing is that you take your tree down by twelfth night, which is the Epiphany, January 6th.

A bit like padded bras and false tans, artificial Christmas trees are also pretty, but not as good as the authentic thing. If going traditional, don't be tacky. There is one rule you should not break: trees should be green. Blue, white, red, gold, or silver trees are not classic.

When you buy a real fir tree, choose the freshest one on hand. To test this, lightly pull a twig towards you; a small number of needles, if any, should fall.

If you're able to give the tree a shake or a bounce, and it leaves a pool of pine needles or leaves, don't take it. If you are not decorating at once, store the Christmas tree in an water an inch deep, best to store it in a garage hidden fromthe wind or sun. You should place the Christmas tree in a corner. Keep it far from radiatorsbecause this will cause it to shrivel and die.

Sweep or brush the area under the tree everyday to avoid leaf build-up.

A naked tree is a cheerless sight. First embellishment ought to be the star on top, particularly since you may have to to bend the tree to place it. The figure on top is going to act as the guide on how the tree is filled. Then place the lights. These will inevitably fuse but must also be added at this stage so you can guarantee that they are distibuted evenly. Wind the Christmas bulbs from

top to bottom, going to the plug socket. Candles are cute but go for the electrical variant, since real flames on trees are fire hazards. Then start spreading over the tree your themed ornaments.

Do you have a color theme? Is it traditional or outlandish? Minimalist or packed full? Is it child-friendly or toxic? If it has chocolates be careful not to place them too next to the lights sincethese could melt.

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